I installed the strawberry bed, and the strawberries are growing leaves now. On top of the pile of straw and compost that I shaped into a hill, I put a layer of clay native soil to form a layer that will keep the bed from drying out too quickly when the summer sun comes later in the season. In this soil layer, there are many weed seeds, and after 2 days of rain, the seeds have started to sprout. The next step is to go back through the bed, plant the perennial violas that I got to mark the types of strawberries (when I forget what kind I planted where, everbearing or June berries). While I do this, I will work in some veggie-garden-safe pre-emergent herbicide.
In SRA, I'm also doing a similar process. I'm planting corrections to replace patterns that were identified in the course as self-destructive and ego/personality-based self-serving tendencies. Using self-forgiveness, I am continually rooting out the "weeds" that threaten to choke off any possibility of living and doing what's best for all as I walk in and through the relationships and situations of my life. I am grateful for the "rain" literally "living water" of words of instruction and support from the Desteni group. Their focus and attention is aligned with oneness and equality and what's best for all, and in the moisture of having their support to walk my process of self-purification, my weeds readily come up in the moisture for uprooting in self-honest examination. I have to admit that right now I sometimes grow tired of struggling with the weeds, both in my outer and inner landscape. But, the weed seeds have been here for ages and it is time to uncover them, let them sprout so they can be seen for what they are and be dealt with. Fearing what was latent under the ground can no longer take up my secret time and mental processes. Now that the weeds are uncovered and sprouting, I will no longer accept and allow them to take over my time and attention. Instead, I have been using the time and attention directed towards the only project really worth constant and sustained effort -- stopping thoughts/feelings/emotions that prevent me from getting to know (and living) universal equality as one as what's best for all in all ways, all the time.
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